Indian Air Force: News & Discussions

Din hi kharaab jaa raha hai becharon ka.
Pehle to do mahine me do MiG-29 gir gaye aur ab Indian Army ke order ke liye bhi bechare yehi gaali khaa rahein hain

Something terribly wrong with this organisation and its work ethics. Earlier it was blamed on Russians and their engines. Now same engines are performing quite well with single engine fighters of many Airforces across the world.
Meanwhile all ImAF is focused on is getting MOUs with Uber for cheap ride (BTW what was wrong with OLA ), endless drama of MRFA (idiots don’t even know what they want and what they can get realistically instead of brochure shopping) also called “Mother of all Deals” and crashing fighters at regular intervals like lawn mowing.
Perhaps only airforce that lost half of their jets parked on airfield at the start of the war by a force half of it’s size, due to extreme shortsightedness and lack of working brain cells
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HAL AMCA, AeroIndia-27
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Pic by Deb Rana
Neat looking fighter really. Chinese are certainly not holding back anything.
AMCA is just a paper plane even after 10 years of renderings,which most likely will either will never se light of the day or will get canceled in mid developmental phase for not being “69th gen” compatible and not having unobtanium technology needed by ImAF to fight a war without getting shot down by cheap soviet designed AAMs and SAMs fielded by PA/PAF and PLA/PLAAF or even ImAF’s own imported air defences due to so called “Fog of War”.
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5th gen fighters need to be the focus IMO. Paki duffers will have them in the near future, either from PRC or Turkey. In a sharp/short conflict like Nowshera, they will pull the rug under our feet like they did last time. IAF will then have to provide "trust me bro" sources to justify their claimed "kills" and release hot air justification about how we could have neutered PAF if we had technical asymmetry. If you remember, there was some randirona from IAF about missing Rafales but they decided sit on their asses for 9 years since 2010 when PAF got BVR capabilities through AMRAAM. may sound bit of an overstretch but we've surpassed Russia in almost all of the defence arenas except just one or two in terms of technology. Not even two, just engine core I'd say.

So despite being just on paper and without proper engines the AMCA still feels bit better than Su-57. We're going with multi-faceted EOTS as compared to the typical "ball" on Sukhoi which can act as a Luneburg lens on its own. The geometric stealth seems better. Not to mention that Su-57 wasted a huge potential of having perhaps the best weapon bay of any stealth fighter by dividing it in two sections; if there had been no bulkhead in between then it might have been capable of carrying longer missiles like even BrahMos, something which is an inherent problem with all stealth jets from F-22 to J-20.

Heck I even am a strong believer that we wasted $5 billion dollars on S-400. There was no eminent threat of war, we might had gotten our hands on F-35 or atleast few of its technologies for AMCA, S-400s have shown a sketchy performance (and even if not then a local production line of SAM would always have better magazine depth against saturated attack than an imported one with a couple hundred missiles)...but perhaps the saddest of all, we bought S-400 despite knowing that Kusha was just around the corner.
*ALL* F35 units worldwide, except the Israeli Air Force F-35s, are maintained by american military personnel.
So getting F35 = goodbye Indian sovereignty.
PAF will have 5th gen J-31/35 latest by March 2026. Save it.

By the end of this decade they will have 60 of these.

Burgers will know everything they need to about the Temu F-35 then
Are you sure chongs want to take that risk?
The J-35 is also meant to be their carrier based fighter replacing the Su-27 variants currently in service, it's not exfort only turd like the Junk Fighter 17

I really want to do a double blind peer reviewed study about some indian's obsession with Tu-160. I've never understood this

It's a long range strategic bomber that can travel more than 2,000km at supersonic speed. Even if you take-off from the central-est base of Gwalior, you'd overshoot Pakistan and bomb some poor TaliBois in Afghanistan. You takeoff from Bareilly and you'd be at Mongolian border scaring those goofy looking Yaks.
I really want to do a double blind peer reviewed study about some indian's obsession with Tu-160. I've never understood this

It's a long range strategic bomber that can travel more than 2,000km at supersonic speed. Even if you take-off from the central-est base of Gwalior, you'd overshoot Pakistan and bomb some poor TaliBois in Afghanistan. You takeoff from Bareilly and you'd be at Mongolian border scaring those goofy looking Yaks.
Only long range strike need can come from naval strike roles against china, but thats it.

IMO very low priority rn, much better things to iprove first.
Here's the thing i dont understand. Given what our Forex reserves are and how they are growing year on end, given Modi-Putin relationship, given Russia-India relationship and given Russia's predicament globally and militarily at this point, why cant India make Russia an offer it cant refuse - tell them we will give them 10 billion dollars, if they give us the entire tech tree of their latest ALF engine. Done.

Use that and its smaller derivate for our entire indgenous program and push the heck out of it. Why cant we do this ? I dont see why Russia will be that butthurt to sell us its engine tech if we made such a huge offer that can make a huge deal to its war effort/economy.
F35 units worldwide, except the Israeli Air Force F-35s, are maintained by american military personnel.
I thought that Israeli were the only one who got the permission to play with softwares, never knew about this thing.
goodbye Indian sovereignty
What goodbye Indian sovereignty? This?
I guess losing sovereignty is the tiny price you pay when you become a nation where 90% innovation is just coming up with another delivery app or EdTech platform or eCom sight
Here's the thing i dont understand. Given what our Forex reserves are and how they are growing year on end, given Modi-Putin relationship, given Russia-India relationship and given Russia's predicament globally and militarily at this point, why cant India make Russia an offer it cant refuse - tell them we will give them 10 billion dollars, if they give us the entire tech tree of their latest ALF engine. Done.

Use that and its smaller derivate for our entire indgenous program and push the heck out of it. Why cant we do this ? I dont see why Russia will be that butthurt to sell us its engine tech if we made such a huge offer that can make a huge deal to its war effort/economy.
Westerners sell us weapons with too many strings attached.
Russians sell us weapons with substandard quality.

Except for one or two nations this is the norm. Other than developing our own technology, every other alternative comes at a huge cost.
Here's the thing i dont understand. Given what our Forex reserves are and how they are growing year on end, given Modi-Putin relationship, given Russia-India relationship and given Russia's predicament globally and militarily at this point, why cant India make Russia an offer it cant refuse - tell them we will give them 10 billion dollars, if they give us the entire tech tree of their latest ALF engine. Done.

Use that and its smaller derivate for our entire indgenous program and push the heck out of it. Why cant we do this ? I dont see why Russia will be that butthurt to sell us its engine tech if we made such a huge offer that can make a huge deal to its war effort/economy.

There is no seriousness for the domestic engine program, this is the main reason it will not happen
I can give you other reasons like
  • Uncle Sam upset
  • Chinkus upset so they'll arm twist Russi into denying/delaying
  • Russi needs more maal( i.e T72, T90, BMP-2 ) rather than money rn, are we willing to give them some of our stock?

Dephens phanboys have been bitching about the infra and equipment etc needed for Kaveri like the flying testbed aircraft and all, nobody has done anything about this.

The Imported wings of the Armed forces literally don't give a shit, and GoI genuinely believes that "today is not the era of war" and that is why you have anaemic defense spending and Kaveri engine and other programs being paid science projects for DRDO rather than the critical piece of defence tech it is
I thought that Israeli were the only one who got the permission to play with softwares, never knew about this thing.

What goodbye Indian sovereignty? This?
View attachment 15084
I guess losing sovereignty is the tiny price you pay when you become a nation where 90% innovation is just coming up with another delivery app or EdTech platform or eCom sight
View attachment 15085
No. Not this. Though this is just in reality, leasing the drones.
In this case, you have us getting drone data from a third party source outside India.

With F-35 and with several of the amerian 'capital assets' - such as CATOBAR tech, it means you permanently have murrican military servicemen directly embedded on your air force base or navy ship, as only they are authorized to service F35 or operate the CATOBAR.
Which means FAN Charles De Gaulle has permanently some murrican navy seamen posted on it.
Thats not dealing with murrican operators, thats having the fangs of america in your military body directly. THATS when you can kiss any war without murrican approval goodbye.

Rest is just nonsense IMO, because saying 'no murrican capital assets' is not the same as saying 'dont get any other guys' either. French maal or Russian maal does not come with said strings attached - what they give you, they give you good. And remember, murricans will NEVER EVER EVEEEEEEER let you integrate rooski or desi maal with their platforms -they didnt even allow Israel to do that when it mated with some of our maal - we and isreal figured that out on our own.
What America is good for, is precisely this kind of shit - intel grathering apparatus, wich some of them they can cut off from us (Like pred. drones) but in some cases they cannot (like the poseidons) in a pinch(They can still fuckem up longterm by refusing servicing but that still buys room during war itself).

IMO, what we should be getting from murrica are more army related stuff. I am highly impressed with their artillery systems - even when they are expensive and shit, their effectiveness aka bang for their buck is quite high and that is what india should be focussing more amreeki maal for. Because barrels last a longass time as far as war is concerned and we can certainly make the ammo on our own and use it with impunity as long as the barrel freaking lasts.
No. Not this. Though this is just in reality, leasing the drones.
In this case, you have us getting drone data from a third party source outside India.

With F-35 and with several of the amerian 'capital assets' - such as CATOBAR tech, it means you permanently have murrican military servicemen directly embedded on your air force base or navy ship, as only they are authorized to service F35 or operate the CATOBAR.
Which means FAN Charles De Gaulle has permanently some murrican navy seamen posted on it.
Thats not dealing with murrican operators, thats having the fangs of america in your military body directly. THATS when you can kiss any war without murrican approval goodbye.

I thought the frenchies developed the CATOBAR themselves?
I'm again asking for source, especially for the F-35s
French maal or Russian maal does not come with said strings attached
I've clearly mentioned "except for one or two" of them is French and the other being Israel.

As for Russians, they've this weird record of providing us with either products with issues or with those that were lacking compared to peers.
I thought the frenchies developed the CATOBAR themselves?
Nope, they use a slightly modified version of the exact same catapult on Nimitz Class; the C13 series
I thought the frenchies developed the CATOBAR themselves?
False. The CATOBAR is american designed, owned and operated.

Trust me, i know this - its USN personel who operate the catobar. Not sure of their entire numbers, coz i have no idea how big a catobar team is, but i a shot in the dark is something like 5-20 servicemen.
These are the frog's permanently posted 'american military cooperation attaches' on their ships, doing a ' joint mission'. Not sure about the exact protocol of chain of command and if they are completely under the FAN, but one thing is certain - uncle sam knows of the operations and operators on your ship. They do afterall, have their own damn military posted on your ship and at the end of tour cycle, they do go back to murrica and give full report. So there's that.

Same comes for F-35s. Some maintanance crew **MUST** be USAF personnel. Maybe even NCOs but they are USAF personnel. Thats the deal. Take it or leave it, no negotiations.

For the F-35, to my knowledge the only exception has been Israel, but dem jooz were smart about it by INSISTING their F-35 be a special custom order (yes they spread open their cheeks and shat out a blank check to uncle sam for this consideration and paid shit tons more) and it made almost every single vendor whine that 'we wont be able to maintain your shit coz we cant be expected to train our servicemen in your new shit and give you the ones who get it and all that' and dem jooz were able to negotiate their own maintanance crew in.

So there are these strategic things to consider if you wanna buy Uncle Sam's flagship weapons. Buy HIMARs buy some shiny arty, get them to make us a 'himalayan tank' and call it a day. buy Uncle Sam's missiles or bombs even. Those are top class. But say no to capital assets if you wanna keep a shred of sovereignty.
For the F-35, to my knowledge the only exception has been Israel, but dem jooz were smart about it by INSISTING their F-35 be a special custom order (yes they spread open their cheeks and shat out a blank check to uncle sam for this consideration and paid shit tons more) and it made almost every single vendor whine that 'we wont be able to maintain your shit coz we cant be expected to train our servicemen in your new shit and give you the ones who get it and all that' and dem jooz were able to negotiate their own maintanance crew in.

It is burgers who spread cheeks not the Israelis.
Reminder no country has the F35 privileges that Israel got, idk how much strings the Zionist lobby had to pull in US to give them these privileges

Turkeys out of fear till date have not deployed S400 yet still they are out of F35 program

Imported AF and Army maybe sold out but even they are very aware of making deals with the Shaitan -e- Bozorg
M777 howitzers and 6 Apaches are all the boom boom platforms we have
They have allowed torpedos for the MH60 and P8I but those are ofc aimed at the afeemchis, don't think they will let us use them against a certain US treaty ally's submarines
It is burgers who spread cheeks not the Israelis.
Reminder no country has the F35 privileges that Israel got, idk how much strings the Zionist lobby had to pull in US to give them these privileges

Turkeys out of fear till date have not deployed S400 yet still they are out of F35 program

Imported AF and Army maybe sold out but even they are very aware of making deals with the Shaitan -e- Bozorg
M777 howitzers and 6 Apaches are all the boom boom platforms we have
They have allowed torpedos for the MH60 and P8I but those are ofc aimed at the afeemchis, don't think they will let us use them against a certain US treaty ally's submarines
Trust me, its the israelies who paid through the nose for the Adir and they were smart about it - the main 'high tech' servicing on planes is on the avionics and engine FADEC controls and in case of steal planes, special classified stealth coating that is 'topped up' depending on specific mission erosion.
The stealth coating stuff is not that varying in degree if you already have your own and you are using it just for touch-ups in between missions and can be replaced.
However, since Israel basically got its own avionics suite & special compooter that is plug and play and the engine is same mfg as the F15s its had for 30 years ( P&W), they also have the fadecs control at this point.
This is the main thing ze jooz got outta uncle sam after uncle sam initially refused by doing lobby magic AND giving the vendors a gold plated cheque.
Indian engineers are very talented and good. I know this because a lot of American companies hire them. So wtf is wrong in India where Indian engineers are unable to use their vast brainpower to develop tools!?

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