Interesting in the seal we can see 7
Saptarishi . A Bull - definitely we see Shiv /Rudra
It appears most of these seals were recovered from what're now sites in Paxtan. Lends credence to what Srikant Talageri long ago claimed that the Vedics were only one of the religious sects in the Sindhu Saraswati Valley Civilization albeit the most prominent one with other prominent sects eventually merging into what we now recognize as Sanatan Dharma with the Vedic religion & philosophy at the very apex of it. This process took millenia.
Let's not forget that the Bharatas & their direct descendants the Kuru Panchals whose original familial possession these Vedas were, inhabited the lands which we now recognize as being parts of Western UP, all of Haryana, Delhi , NE Rajasthan & Eastern & South Eastern Punjab, when & more importantly where the Vedas were composed . This was the original Brahmavarta with all the lands outside of it being considered Mleccha. Ironically the original home of the Bharatas / Ailas or descendants of Ila - the Chandravanshis as opposed to the Surya vanshis or the Aikshvakus - descendants of Ikshvaku, was Kashi & once upon a time even further to it's east .
This is the reason I believe if we're to explore Eastern & Central UP, we'd find settlements of equal if not much greater antiquity than Bhirrana which itself is dated conclusively to 8th - 7th millenium i.e 9-10, 000 Years Before Present ( YBP) . A good example is the site of Lahurradewa which is dated to 10,000 BCE for the very first settlements & is one of the first sites in the Indian sub continent to show examples of rice cultivation.
Lahuradewa is a village in eastern Uttar Pradesh. The site has been occupied since as early as 10,000 BC, and by 7,000 BC it provides the oldest evidence of pottery in South Asia. Excavations here …
Unfortunately, whatever we've discovered there is more a function of default & dogged pursuit by a few committed individuals rather than a state intervention or policy. The other difficult part is the heavy inhabitation of these parts as compared to say Haryana which in itself has a high density of human inhabitation which renders archaeological diggings very difficult if not impossible .
Eventually as the Bharatas expanded their rule the areas considered Brahmavarta expanded its terms of reference eventually encompassing most of Northern India, NW India including what's now Paxtani Punjab, Sind & KPK , Eastern India upto what's now WB with the southern boundaries being the Vindhyas & the Northern boundaries being the Himalayas .
This land was known as Aryavarta with the core Kuru Panchal territory being known as Brahmavarta / Madhya Desha. What was originally a religious concept soon acquired political tones as this same Madhya Desha concept along with mandalas of kingdoms surrounding it being defined in the Artha Shastra by Kautilya. The Chinese have a similar concept with the endonym in Mandarin for China which is essentially an exonym, being Zhongghuo or The Middle Kingdom.
BTW that "bull " isn't a bull but the mythical unicorn. There's no hump in it. The unicorn itself is considered to be everything from a black buck viewed thru a particular angle where the horns appear singular to the neelgai to a composite of different animals. There's no firm conclusion on it .