Well, only fish eaters perhaps understand if slaughtering catfish is worth.
Anyways, since beginning i'm focussing only on +/- points of each platform w/o concluding anything.
Agreed, i pointed that out already as a -ve point. IDK about J-20 but F-22 & F-35 diagrams & discussions indicate that even after serpentine duct they have blocker grills.
I mentioned the M version.
I told you many times- take your time to read, don't rush.
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hence the side radar on cheek is quoted X-band. The 4 L-band antennas on slats & levocns are more than 30cm/1ft.
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I wouldn't use the word FOOLISH overconfidently & impulsively bcoz this is Su-57 Vs J-20 & neither of them will get rid of their SWB (Side Weapons Bay) & CCMs, not for 1-2 decades at least. Missiles, countermeasures, tactics evolve, so no guarantee that battle will end in BVR only. So short range contingency has to be planned & not planning would be overconfident. Hence research is going on MSDM/SACM/CUDA kind of VSR-AAMs, even the Chinese infographic shows it.
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Be it AIM-174, R-37, AIM-260, LREW, PL-17/20/21, etc, BVR-AAMS, even with dual pulse motors firing in terminal phase, they don't guarantee kill. They have NEZ (No Escape Zone), depends on many static & dynamic parameters like altitude, orientation & speed of launcher & target, 2nd pulse firing time, evasion capability of target, etc.
View attachment 19803
For example, if Meteor AAM max range is considered 300Km then its quoted NEZ is 60Km, which is just 20% of max range, if 80Km then 26%. So just making big bulky VLR-AAMs won't help ALONE. It has always been & will always be a Tom & Jerry game.

Business leader always dictates the characteristics & version #, although competitors are there to choose from.
Hence like i said, you or anybody are
most welcome to refine the table, instead of lines & paragraphs, dificult to find & remember in forums.
But i have already mentioned that some features can be MLUed to previous gen. But there is a limit otherwise all previous gen jets from 1st,2nd,3rd would be MLUed & used today w/o making new airframe.
Typical impulsive youngster phrases

due to lack of sufficient 1st hand industrial experience. I've always said that in our populous country, it is urgent to absorb army of college grads into industry, huge opportunities, othwise massive unemployment can lead to civil war. But these tycoons like Ambani, Adani, Tata, etc just wanted to bag deal to mae 4gen jets, not showing interest in engine R&D, etc. Some of them are politically inclined. There are social problems too. All these things leead to security issues. A Govt. facility is protected by Army, CISF, etc, but private firm security is not up to that mark. But if the private firms agree to work under constant vigilance of Army, Intelligence units, then bigger cunk of projects can be handed over. This is my personal opinion, others are
free to disagree politely.