Indian Air Force: News & Discussions

The way Indian Defense twitter behaved yesterday was like surrendering itself before the first bullet lol. Yes we could have invested more in this 10 years but look at the research output from DRDO in these 10 years AST,Missiles,Long range Radars,built our first fighter plane before we would get these this news in years. We have just started investing in our R&D as long our GDP increase we will invest more.
The way Indian Defense twitter behaved yesterday was like surrendering itself before the first bullet lol. Yes we could have invested more in this 10 years but look at the research output from DRDO in these 10 years AST,Missiles,Long range Radars,built our first fighter plane before we would get these this news in years. We have just started investing in our R&D as long our GDP increase we will invest more.
Asymmetrically you can put up deterrence just like how China itself put deterrence via Rocket Force against USA Or how the Soviets defended their Borders via huge Scuds Arsenal. But last time I saw Pralay, Shaurya, Nirbhay numbers doesn't exceed 100 in total where as we need a minimum of 10,000. Every competent Military facing Superior Enemy did this- China, North Korea, Russia, Soviet Union, Iran. It's Basic Common Sense.

There is no such thing as "Wartime Production" but only "Stockpiles". Enemy's targets on Day-1 would be Ammunition Factories. You don't even have to knock out FALs, just knock out some Fuze factory and your entire Production is screwed. Idiots cite US WW2/ Ukraine War examples where Wartime production is going on. But entire India from Border of China puny 3500-km Combat Radius and Range.

Genrols gave like 10 Missiles as if they are buying a Samosa and absolutely living in La La Land. They think enemy will allow us make weapons in wartime and any conflict would be restricted to border skirmishes only.
Bhai, this is the predictable consequence of broad long term vision that goes beyond the scope of just defence industry and such.
China CHOSE nearly 40 years ago to be the army ant of humanity : build shit. All kinds of shit. They basically took the 'industrious' mod in a civ game and exploited it to the max.
When you become the epicenter of 'making things' , you eventually become expert in some fields you chose to focus on/capable of focussing on, as a general knock on effect of being the world's centre of making things.

We never, as a civilization, chose to become the epicenter of making things as a goal, we chose a varied approach of 'make a few things well, like medicine, but still chem sector inputs will be lacking coz we are not vidhaataa of make ALL things chem related too like Cheen, but also focus on services output like IT sector/consulting etc'.

Since the last 500 years, Indian civilization has never realized as a mass, that to be first world and powerful, we have to be industrious as a civ and if it means habitat destruction/choking in pollution for a century, so be it.
We have always relied on 'marham patti' for things we need to succeed as a civ and the biggest reason the Marathas got whacked by the Anglos is because the Marathas did not build their own cannons and instead relied on highly fancy french imported cannons - which once they lost in certain engagements, they couldnt replace coz Anglo controlled the sea and french wernt gonna pick a naval war with englistan to supply brown dude cannons.
we as a SOCIETY have not learnt the lesson from that maratha wars - that we couldve kept anglo out of India/contained situation if Marathas could build their own freaking weapons and not buy phoren maal, coz no matter what, in midst of battle, phoren maal is tough to replace.
Chinese have learnt this lesson exceedingly well from the destruction of their Beyang fleet and armies of the late 1800s/early 1900s, where on 'paper' they actually had excellent equipment (with zero skill/experience users) that they imported but once lost, it was game over and back to Chinese peasant mob vs euro/japanese military powwa.

Yes, China got a leg up in this regard by being boosted by Unkil stupidly to become the vidhaataa of industry on the planet. but credit is where credit is due too: The chinese people have also prioritized 'we make shit' as a pathway to societal success.
And its paying off in fields of military - which is ultimately the most exclusive sector of 'we make shit' in the world.
Well for some country that worshipped Gods whose part and parcel are Weapons somehow Peaceful Kool-Aid taken too far had induced degeneracy. We have Epics, Scriptures, Temples and Culture where worshipping Weapons are inherent. Indian Steel was exported and finest for millenia. India was making Ships larger than Europoors and selling to them.
Something that isn't talked about enough. The AMCA is already outgunned as it is. We need a bigger jet with more internal space (at least 6 BVRAAMs + 2 CCMs). Something else I always disliked was the IRST sticking out like a sore thumb. The Mk1 AMCA design can no longer be justified in 2030+ scenarios. Reverse engineer and improve the AL-31 with metallurgical breakthroughs made by the Kaveri program. Squeeze out at least 160kn per engine and stick a pair on a bigger AHCA. And letting it fly without a comprehensive EOTS assembly is ludicrous. China has been flashing their EOTS from the J-20 for 10 years now. The AMCA is simply not a competitive design anymore.
There are numerous problems with American MIC ranging from heavily bloated structure to lobbying...but one thing that you'd never find is underestimating the enemy. They overestimate enemy's capabilities whenever something crosses a certain threshold and then they scramble their a**es to over-compensate.

MiG-25 is the classic example; guessed its capabilities, made F-15 to counter those, MiG-25 turned out be grossly overestimated and now USAF is left with one of finest air dominance fighter.
If we look at modern example then NGSW. Again estimated that adversaries would be fielding longer ranged firearms and sport BPJs, made something to counter that, both the assumptions turned out to be overestimated and now they're left with perhaps the most advanced optics-caliber combination ever fielded.

It's not like China beat US to a 6th gen fighter, USAF has allegedly already flown multiple airframes. But still when they saw yesterday's video they must have immediately went back to drawing board and maybe even now when I'm typing this message they're working on what they can add on NGAD to counter any future, not just current challenges from the adversary in an effort to maintain overmatch.

This is something that one would rarely find in our MIC.

• Kargil happened in 1999 and we realised the need for an attack helicopter that can effectively operate in Himalayas.
• Up until 2006 nothing concrete has happened but the requirement was still a helicopter based on 1999's requirement.
• First prototype flew in 2010 but still emphasized around one single 10 year old requirement.
• In 2024, when finally the orders where placed then also it was for a platform addressing single 25 years old requirement.

In 25 years no-one thought to just stop for a moment, take a breath and modify it in a way that it addresses challenges of atleast 2020. Just uprate the engines a bit, add a 30mm gun, increase hardpoints to 8 (it's fine it won't be able to carry missiles on all of them in the Himalayas but atleast have them in the first place so that we can use them for say plains), slap four AESA panels around to fuselage to get atleast some degree of Longbow performance. But no, we'll go though the whole process of developing and acquiring an already obsoleted platform. Then we'll issue RFP for a Mk-II.

I'm pretty sure this exact thing is going to happen with AMCA.
Asymmetrically you can put up deterrence just like how China itself put deterrence via Rocket Force against USA Or how the Soviets defended their Borders via huge Scuds Arsenal. But last time I saw Pralay, Shaurya, Nirbhay numbers doesn't exceed 100 in total where as we need a minimum of 10,000. Every competent Military facing Superior Enemy did this- China, North Korea, Russia, Soviet Union, Iran. It's Basic Common Sense.

There is no such thing as "Wartime Production" but only "Stockpiles". Enemy's targets on Day-1 would be Ammunition Factories. You don't even have to knock out FALs, just knock out some Fuze factory and your entire Production is screwed. Idiots cite US WW2/ Ukraine War examples where Wartime production is going on. But entire India from Border of China puny 3500-km Combat Radius and Range.

Genrols gave like 10 Missiles as if they are buying a Samosa and absolutely living in La La Land. They think enemy will allow us make weapons in wartime and any conflict would be restricted to border skirmishes only.
Not all stockphile happens on paper also wait for our Integreated defense commands.
Shelling money thinking you've an accurate reasoning to do so given the value you'd be getting...but then realising the values are suboptimal and you've overpaid.
Well, only fish eaters perhaps understand if slaughtering catfish is worth.
Anyways, since beginning i'm focussing only on +/- points of each platform w/o concluding anything.

Even if we ignore everything from shape, angle, surface finish then also the air intake itself of J-20/35 vastly surpasses that of Su-57. (Even with those janky grids)
Agreed, i pointed that out already as a -ve point. IDK about J-20 but F-22 & F-35 diagrams & discussions indicate that even after serpentine duct they have blocker grills.

R-77s were an excellent missile when they're introduced in 1995 but then they kind of became stagnant. We've first hand experience of feeling the shortcomings of R-77, otherwise which country develops a BVR-AAM (Astra) before a WVR-AAM? Read about its problems in IAF service
As for PL-15, they've a range more than 200km. Because they use dual pulse motor and Astra Mk-2, another dual pulse motor rocket already achieves 150km with smaller diameter motor than PL-15.
I mentioned the M version. I told you many times- take your time to read, don't rush.

A 30-15cm band radar would give you a vague idea of where a bogie might be but nothing more than than. For proper fire control you needed finer bands
hence the side radar on cheek is quoted X-band. The 4 L-band antennas on slats & levocns are more than 30cm/1ft.

In five days we'd be in 2025, no one's going to use WVR with their manned fighter anymore. It's foolish to even think about it when countries are working on AIM-174 type 400km ranged BVR-AAMs.
I wouldn't use the word FOOLISH overconfidently & impulsively bcoz this is Su-57 Vs J-20 & neither of them will get rid of their SWB (Side Weapons Bay) & CCMs, not for 1-2 decades at least. Missiles, countermeasures, tactics evolve, so no guarantee that battle will end in BVR only. So short range contingency has to be planned & not planning would be overconfident. Hence research is going on MSDM/SACM/CUDA kind of VSR-AAMs, even the Chinese infographic shows it.

Be it AIM-174, R-37, AIM-260, LREW, PL-17/20/21, etc, BVR-AAMS, even with dual pulse motors firing in terminal phase, they don't guarantee kill. They have NEZ (No Escape Zone), depends on many static & dynamic parameters like altitude, orientation & speed of launcher & target, 2nd pulse firing time, evasion capability of target, etc.

For example, if Meteor AAM max range is considered 300Km then its quoted NEZ is 60Km, which is just 20% of max range, if 80Km then 26%. So just making big bulky VLR-AAMs won't help ALONE. It has always been & will always be a Tom & Jerry game. 🐱🐀:facepalm2::LOL:

None of the parameters you mentioned are "generational gap defining" parameter that can't be replicated in previous generation fighters.
In prior posts I've explained in detail the problems with defining 6th gen fighters.
Business leader always dictates the characteristics & version #, although competitors are there to choose from.
Hence like i said, you or anybody are most welcome to refine the table, instead of lines & paragraphs, dificult to find & remember in forums.
But i have already mentioned that some features can be MLUed to previous gen. But there is a limit otherwise all previous gen jets from 1st,2nd,3rd would be MLUed & used today w/o making new airframe.

Weird license raaj era mindset statment, especially when sh*t has already hit the fan and we want maximum contribution from our MIC+ to get whatever necessary.
Typical impulsive youngster phrases:facepalm2::facepalm4::ROFLMAO: due to lack of sufficient 1st hand industrial experience. I've always said that in our populous country, it is urgent to absorb army of college grads into industry, huge opportunities, othwise massive unemployment can lead to civil war. But these tycoons like Ambani, Adani, Tata, etc just wanted to bag deal to mae 4gen jets, not showing interest in engine R&D, etc. Some of them are politically inclined. There are social problems too. All these things leead to security issues. A Govt. facility is protected by Army, CISF, etc, but private firm security is not up to that mark. But if the private firms agree to work under constant vigilance of Army, Intelligence units, then bigger cunk of projects can be handed over. This is my personal opinion, others are free to disagree politely.
Here's my 2 cent

• First and foremost, no need to panic; China isn't going to attack anytime soon. History has been witness to it, whenever we panic we start wasting money. Ordering Victrix Scorpio, AK-203 instead of TAR, we were all set to order Sprut-SD.

Engines; doesn't matter China is flying 6th gen or 7th...our priority is just engines. Aircrafts are built around an engine, as soon as it's there everything else just falls into their places. So do whatever is necessary, buy EJ200/M88 IPR, hire their scientist for consultancy but get a PROPER Kaveri as soon as possible.
They keyword here is proper, full fledged 100kN engine; can't afford the usual dry, wet, Mk-1, Mk-1A shenanigans anymore. Sh*t has already hit the fan.

Work on AMCA without engines; not a big deal, in WW2 USA was assembling bombers without engines as there were issues with engines, but they didn't waste time waiting for engines to come. No need to proceed with the existing design of AMCA, no point in getting an assembly line that'll produce already obsolete fighters. Redesign it as soon as possible, if nothing else then just increase the magazine depth. Assembly jigs are yet to be made, it's the only window we've for modification. Once those are made you can't change the design.
The threat now requires an AHCA, AMCA with 4 BVR-AAMs won't cut through.

Force IAF and IN to ORCA , no need to waste money and time in Mk-1, Mk-1A, Mk-2, MMRCA...ORCA is a good design can be used by IAF without even a proper air-force version. Fast track is as soon as possible, get another production line. 6th gen doesn't mean 4th gen has become obsolete, from China to USA everyone has plans to induct a new 4th gen fighter to boost squadron number. We'll too need something to replace the mess of MiGs, Jags, Mirages.

AWACS fleet, still not interested? Yesterday only I mentioned how easy it is to make one and we're still doing a pinch of Netra, some Phalcon, few any plane, slap a radar and order atleast two squadrons of it. This might be the biggest defence we can create for an attacking PLA group.

• And as you said, try joining some international 6th gen program. Accept the fact that they're ahead of us in terms of technology and try collaborating with them. Even if we don't buy the actual plane we can get bits and pieces of different technologies to incorporate them into our next generations of planes.

Stop Super Sukhoi, enough of toying with Super Sukhoi since I don't know how many years so now stop that circus. Simply ask private industry to present their bids on how much advanced they can make Su-30MkIs. They do ScrewdriverGiri, ToT, comes up with in-house research doesn't matter, it's up to them. You just ensure you get maximum bang for your buck.
Start slapping the biggest possible Uttam configuration on Sukhois as soon as possible, we already have SDFR based Astra-3 just need a radar that'll complement it and you'll have a formidable defence.
Everything here is stagnated since decades and no one is being questioned including Hyper-nationalistic Modi zee and All the Air chiefs that came and gone with their fat paycheques and pensions
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China launched:
02 6th Gen Fighters
01 New Gen AWACS
Type 076 LHA

Meanwhile Indian MoD (Defence Secretary) launched:
Ninda ji is a true patriot. Under his command our forces are achieving new milestones every other day.
There are numerous problems with American MIC ranging from heavily bloated structure to lobbying...but one thing that you'd never find is underestimating the enemy. They overestimate enemy's capabilities whenever something crosses a certain threshold and then they scramble their a**es to over-compensate.

MiG-25 is the classic example; guessed its capabilities, made F-15 to counter those, MiG-25 turned out be grossly overestimated and now USAF is left with one of finest air dominance fighter.
If we look at modern example then NGSW. Again estimated that adversaries would be fielding longer ranged firearms and sport BPJs, made something to counter that, both the assumptions turned out to be overestimated and now they're left with perhaps the most advanced optics-caliber combination ever fielded.

It's not like China beat US to a 6th gen fighter, USAF has allegedly already flown multiple airframes. But still when they saw yesterday's video they must have immediately went back to drawing board and maybe even now when I'm typing this message they're working on what they can add on NGAD to counter any future, not just current challenges from the adversary in an effort to maintain overmatch.

This is something that one would rarely find in our MIC.

• Kargil happened in 1999 and we realised the need for an attack helicopter that can effectively operate in Himalayas.
• Up until 2006 nothing concrete has happened but the requirement was still a helicopter based on 1999's requirement.
• First prototype flew in 2010 but still emphasized around one single 10 year old requirement.
• In 2024, when finally the orders where placed then also it was for a platform addressing single 25 years old requirement.

In 25 years no-one thought to just stop for a moment, take a breath and modify it in a way that it addresses challenges of atleast 2020. Just uprate the engines a bit, add a 30mm gun, increase hardpoints to 8 (it's fine it won't be able to carry missiles on all of them in the Himalayas but atleast have them in the first place so that we can use them for say plains), slap four AESA panels around to fuselage to get atleast some degree of Longbow performance. But no, we'll go though the whole process of developing and acquiring an already obsoleted platform. Then we'll issue RFP for a Mk-II.

I'm pretty sure this exact thing is going to happen with AMCA.
America f-16 says hi
China launched:
02 6th Gen Fighters
01 New Gen AWACS
Type 076 LHA

Meanwhile Indian MoD (Defence Secretary) launched:
Well I guess people are forgetting that just a couple of days ago the Indian Navy recieved 3 locally manufactured warships:-
1) INS Vagsheer, last boat of Kalvari class
2) INS Nilgiri, first ship of P17A class of frigates
3) INS Surat, last ship of P15B class of destroyers

Although it isn't comparable to what China has done, but these things are no walkover.
Continue to show impulsive & uncivilised behavior, in an internaltional arena, not my loss.🤷‍♂️ Someday people far younger than you will do this to you.
I already decided to to ignore you but you replied 1on1. Yet i tried to discuss nicely, I merely conveyed the diagrams, slides. So the BLABBERING goes to the scientists & engineers who made those. :LOL:
@Blademaster how many times you guys warn users before ban?:ban:
America f-16 says hi
• introduced in late 70s
• one of pioneers of Energy-Maneuverability theory
• for many decades remained one of most potent single engine multirole fighter
• USAF took last deliveries in 2005
• would be retired in next two decades
• more than 4,500 produced
• modernized versions like Soufa and Vipers are still a very competent platform

So yeah, tell me more about F-16s
Continue to show impulsive & uncivilised behavior, in an internaltional arena, not my loss.🤷‍♂️ Someday people far younger than you will do this to you.
I already decided to to ignore you but you replied 1on1. Yet i tried to discuss nicely, I merely conveyed the diagrams, slides. So the BLABBERING goes to the scientists & engineers who made those. :LOL:
@Blademaster how many times you guys warn users before ban?:ban:
Did you think even once why I posted the pic of that specific gentleman, quoting only that part of your message that said government establishment are more secure than private ones?

By mentioning one specific Mod and asking for banning with indication that you two have already discussed this before. Not to mention the fact that I was banned for freaking two years by the said Mod, before getting unbanned
So it seems the gloves are finally off.
Isn't it dear Sir?
Did you think even once why I posted the pic of that specific gentleman, quoting only that part of your message that said government establishment are more secure than private ones?

By mentioning one specific Mod and asking for banning with indication that you two have already discussed this before. Not to mention the fact that I was banned for freaking two years by the said Mod, before getting unbanned
So it seems the gloves are finally off.
Isn't it dear Sir?
mate i just joined today. He is right regarding the security issue we aren't not high enough in the tech stack to implement security for our private firms.
• introduced in late 70s
• one of pioneers of Energy-Maneuverability theory
• for many decades remained one of most potent single engine multirole fighter
• USAF took last deliveries in 2005
• would be retired in next two decades
• more than 4,500 produced
• modernized versions like Soufa and Vipers are still a very competent platform

So yeah, tell me more about F-16s
No the argument was LCH was outdated. It isn't.
Well, only fish eaters perhaps understand if slaughtering catfish is worth.
Anyways, since beginning i'm focussing only on +/- points of each platform w/o concluding anything.

Agreed, i pointed that out already as a -ve point. IDK about J-20 but F-22 & F-35 diagrams & discussions indicate that even after serpentine duct they have blocker grills.

I mentioned the M version. I told you many times- take your time to read, don't rush.
View attachment 19797

hence the side radar on cheek is quoted X-band. The 4 L-band antennas on slats & levocns are more than 30cm/1ft.
View attachment 19801
View attachment 19802

I wouldn't use the word FOOLISH overconfidently & impulsively bcoz this is Su-57 Vs J-20 & neither of them will get rid of their SWB (Side Weapons Bay) & CCMs, not for 1-2 decades at least. Missiles, countermeasures, tactics evolve, so no guarantee that battle will end in BVR only. So short range contingency has to be planned & not planning would be overconfident. Hence research is going on MSDM/SACM/CUDA kind of VSR-AAMs, even the Chinese infographic shows it.
View attachment 19805
View attachment 19807

Be it AIM-174, R-37, AIM-260, LREW, PL-17/20/21, etc, BVR-AAMS, even with dual pulse motors firing in terminal phase, they don't guarantee kill. They have NEZ (No Escape Zone), depends on many static & dynamic parameters like altitude, orientation & speed of launcher & target, 2nd pulse firing time, evasion capability of target, etc.
View attachment 19803

For example, if Meteor AAM max range is considered 300Km then its quoted NEZ is 60Km, which is just 20% of max range, if 80Km then 26%. So just making big bulky VLR-AAMs won't help ALONE. It has always been & will always be a Tom & Jerry game. 🐱🐀:facepalm2::LOL:

Business leader always dictates the characteristics & version #, although competitors are there to choose from.
Hence like i said, you or anybody are most welcome to refine the table, instead of lines & paragraphs, dificult to find & remember in forums.
But i have already mentioned that some features can be MLUed to previous gen. But there is a limit otherwise all previous gen jets from 1st,2nd,3rd would be MLUed & used today w/o making new airframe.

Typical impulsive youngster phrases:facepalm2::facepalm4::ROFLMAO: due to lack of sufficient 1st hand industrial experience. I've always said that in our populous country, it is urgent to absorb army of college grads into industry, huge opportunities, othwise massive unemployment can lead to civil war. But these tycoons like Ambani, Adani, Tata, etc just wanted to bag deal to mae 4gen jets, not showing interest in engine R&D, etc. Some of them are politically inclined. There are social problems too. All these things leead to security issues. A Govt. facility is protected by Army, CISF, etc, but private firm security is not up to that mark. But if the private firms agree to work under constant vigilance of Army, Intelligence units, then bigger cunk of projects can be handed over. This is my personal opinion, others are free to disagree politely.
Mate all of this is fine and dandy. But it doesn't matter when the Su-57 gets detected right after it leaves the airfield. The Su-57 is nowhere near stealthy enough to make good use of it's long range radar and missiles. It's like a rifleman trying to hunt down a sniper through wide open ground. How far the Su-57 can see is irrelevant twaddle when it can't stay undetected while closing range to any point near the minimum NEZ of the missiles it carries.

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